Here are 20 tips an entrepreneur should know before starting an Ecommerce business.
1. Start Simple
There are millions of ideas to start an eCommerce business, but it’s always better, to begin with, a simple one. For instance, if an entrepreneur starts selling clothes on the internet, begin with a handful of styles selling on the marketplace. Then, when their business begins to expand, it certainly can expand.
2. Use a Well-Known Marketplace
Marketplace is good to test the waters. Select a popular one (Ex: Amazon) if an entrepreneur chooses to use an online marketplace for marketing their goods or services. It will be reflected well on the business and bring more potential customers. Usually, choosing the right marketplace is a quite strategic task, as most of the revenue comes from that source. Hence, if unaware about the process of selecting a suitable marketplace for their business, it is recommended to study your competitors and take the right step. Refer this video for more information
3. Provide an Easy Experience
If a company is trying to reduce high bounce rates and apathy to shopping baskets. One method to achieve that is by making purchasing experience online as effortless as possible for the customers.
4. Choose a Catchy Business Name
When a new company is established, one of the objectives is to make the brand as famous as possible. The more people know their brand name, the more people will come to their website. being distinctive and memorable.
5. Keep an Eye on Competition
Every business should conduct studies, and a significant portion of that research should be looking at the competitors. An eCommerce company is unlikely to be unique, as there will be many businesses offering similar products or services to theirs. Therefore, choosing the niche and USPS are important. It will help position the enterpeneurs’ business properly to the target group. Many online research tools can help keep track of competitors. Example: SEMRush, Google Trends, Similarweb,, etc. Refer this video for more information
6. Focus on the Target Audience
There’s no sense in trying to sell to all people. By doing this, the entrepreneur will waste time, money and resources. Instead, determine the TG as per your brand position and market where you want to reach and develop marketing strategies that are specifically targeted to them. Refer this video for more information
7. Invest Time in Social Media
To do this, make sure the entrepreneur regularly posts content focusing on the quality and relevancy of their content. Social media will be an avenue where potential customers can find their business, while loyal customers will be on top of their latest news.
8. Learn How to Use SEO
Some suggestions for optimising the entrepreneur’s eCommerce website to be SEO-friendly include:
- Making use of the appropriate keywords
- Fixing broken links
- Producing content frequently
- Utilising internal links
- Use HTTPS to secure the website
9. Partner with Other Brands
A newly-established business must make their name known to build trust with their customers. One method of doing this is to collaborate alongside other companies. Select brands that have similar values to them but aren’t direct competitors.
10. Learn from and respond to feedback
It is typical for new businesses to make mistakes throughout the process, particularly initially. If the entrepreneur receives feedback regarding this, ensure that understand and responds. This factor is the same for positive feedback!
11. Maintain a Positive Brand Image
A positive image for their brand is one thing, but maintaining it is different. While it is possible to improve brand recognition, they need to be on top of it to ensure that their brand is etched into the minds of consumers. There are a few methods to achieve this are:
- Always respond to critiques
- Be more eco-friendly
- Maintain excellent customer service
- Partner with brands from other brands
12. Use Email Marketing
Email marketing is an effective way for a business to keep in touch with their clients. It allows the entrepreneur to distribute good content in a timeframe and be confident that it will be in the inbox of a person who is already interested in their business.
13. Build a Great Website
The entrepreneur’s website is the way to tell customers what they stand for as a company, so they must put in lots of time and energy into making their website user-friendly and appealing. They are trying to attract everybody, so try to keep it as easy as possible while also showing the world how impressive their business is. If an entrepreneur is not familiar with developing an eCommerce website, It’s recommended to hire an expert web designer. Refer to this video to decode 10 Mistakes to avoid while setting up your E-commerce website
14. Make the business Website Mobile Friendly
To create an eCommerce website that is appealing to mobile shoppers, it is essential to:
- Keep the text to a minimum.
- Ensure pages load quickly
- Make use of call to action
15. Write a Blog
Not only will the SEO benefit, however – that will also give the business related customers pertinent and reliable content related to their company and help establish confidence.
16. Use More Videos and Images
The entrepreneur’s content doesn’t have to be composed of text. Images and videos can generate greater engagement, so utilise them wherever possible. For example, if they are planning to publish an online post, they should have a high-quality image to accompany it.
17. Host Giveaways
Hosting a giveaway doesn’t demand any effort; the post will receive a lot more comments, likes, and shares than they would expect, dramatically increasing their brand’s visibility. In the beginning, this could provide the push required to get their brand off the ground.
18. Focus on Customer Support
It’s not just about getting the maximum number of buyers. It’s also about ensuring that their experience is positive. That means that the entrepreneur should ensure high-quality rapidity, speed, and top-quality customer service.
19. Tell the Business Story
People love stories. Don’t be shy of sharing personal stories. Tell stories via images, videos, and texts to appeal to the entrepreneur’s customers’ feelings and help them feel more confident in the brand.
20. Don’t Give Up
Although it’s difficult not to see any results after putting in the entrepreneur’s efforts, it’s important to be careful not to give up. There’s always room for improvement in marketing and business strategies.
Beginning an eCommerce company by an entrepreneur isn’t an easy task. But, if they have an excellent idea and a lot of energy and a keenness to learn, they can make their dream into a lucrative online business. Instead of seeing slow progress as a sign of failure, look at it as an opportunity to grow. YRC is one of the most awe-inspiring eCommerce startup consultants offering first-class eCommerce consulting services.
About YRC E-commerce Consultants ?
Your Retail Coach (YRC) is an ecommerce D2C consulting firm. YRC is one of the pioneer ecommerce consultancies that may assist to find a tailored fit launch success plan for the business.
05 Steps to START ONLINE BUSINESS – Refer the following video