A business plan outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, and details your marketing strategy as well as financial details. It’s necessary to develop a business plan for a furniture store if you want to start one or expand an existing one. Let’s understand why a business plan is crucial and what should be included in it.

What is the need for a Business Plan for a Furniture Business?

In order for a furniture business to succeed, it is imperative to develop a business plan. There are several reasons why business plans are widely adopted:

    • Assesses the likelihood of a business’s success.
    • Demonstrates a business idea’s feasibility.
    • Creates a clear set of business values.
    • Performs an analysis of the industry to identify opportunities and threats.
    • Provides the ability to create fictional customer personas.
    • A well-articulated business plan will attract investors.
    • Establishes a timeline for achieving goals.
    • Describes the marketing strategies to be implemented

1. Operations & Sales Plan

A successful sales and operations plan will guide your inventory decisions as well as help you improve your customer relationships in one go. The level of analysis and the trade-offs presented in the plan allows the executive team to focus on the key decision criteria and make a consensus decision. Strategically, the sales & operations plan insights into how demand may shift for specific product lines can impact decisions related to manufacturing capacity, or supplier management. 

2. Human Capital Plan

It is essential to have a strong team if your furniture store is to be successful. In order to support daily operations, the human capital plan aims should enable strategic growth, empower employees, and connect people and workflows. In order to meet these workforce needs, the Human Capital Plan (HC Plan) will establish policies, practices, and actions. The plan also helps organizations assess and respond proactively to their human capital challenges. It also makes sense to tie your human capital plans to your furniture business outcomes.

 3. Financial Plan

There is no guarantee that a great business idea will be commercially viable. This is exactly what a business plan includes in its financial section – forecasting not just now, but also in the future the financial viability of your furniture business venture. The following are some of the most important things to be included in a financial plan:

    • Capital assessment, source(s) of capital, capital structuring, cost of capital, repayment terms, etc
    • Budget for operational expenditures
    • Forecasts for sales
    • Cash flow projections
    • Working capital management 
    • Statement of projected income
    • Statement of projected profits and losses
    • The projected balance sheet
    • Break-even analysis

4. Marketing Plan

The marketing plan should include the four Ps: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.

a) Product: Mention the type of furniture store you run in the product section. Describe the specific products you will be offering. For example, besides having regular furniture, if you plan on selling other items for lighting, decor, or outdoor furniture, then you can include them.

b) Price: Compare your prices with those of your competitors and document them. Your marketing plan’s product and price sub-sections essentially describe the products you offer and their prices.

c) Place: In this context, place refers to the location of your furniture store. Be sure to mention how your location will impact your success in your document. 

d) Promotion: Your promotional strategy for your product includes all advertising and public relations. In order to promote your product, you must demonstrate why consumers will use it, what problem it will solve for them, and why they should spend their money on it.

About YRC Consultants

Business plans are your best friends if you want your furniture business to succeed. YRC can assist you in developing a business plan to help you achieve success. Your business vision will be validated by YRC experts, and critical paths will be devised. A key part of YRC’s business planning process is identifying trends affecting clients’ businesses under current market conditions and laying the groundwork to improve the prospects.


What is a furniture business plan?

A furniture business plan outlines your goals, analyzes your industry and competitors, and identifies the resources you will need to achieve them. Additionally, it outlines your marketing strategy and investment strategy.

Do furniture businesses make money?

Yes, the furniture business is a profitable business. The average markup on furniture ranges from 20% to 50% based on its wholesale cost. Markups are used by business owners to cover up for their operating costs, including rent, employee salaries, utilities, marketing costs, and other business expenses.

What is the target market for furniture?

For furniture businesses, the target market is people who enjoy furnishing their homes with new furniture. The target market for your product is people in their 30s and 40s. There is a good chance that these individuals have a good job and that they live in a family environment.